Noise removal
Isolated noise from an image appearing as black spots in white
areas and voids in black areas is removed to improve image quality.
Operator panel
A panel containing the scanner indicators and buttons. The opera-
tor panel is used to control scanner operations such as loading
document, selecting features, and changing setup options.
Outline extraction
The boundary between black and white areas is traced and the out-
line extracted for closed areas.
A warning informing the user that document is jammed in the trans-
port unit, or that transportation is disabled because the transport
unit is slippery. This warning also appears when a double feed is
Photograph mode (White level follower OFF)
Selecting photograph mode makes brightness and contrast set-
tings effective but prevents the threshold from being set. With pho-
tograph mode, the darkness of image corresponds to the black-
pixel density, making it suitable in scanning images such as photo-
graphs having gradations.
Photo mode = photograph mode
A photograph is read properly in this mode.
Portrait orientation
A document is transported and read with the long side parallel to
the moving direction.