3.5 Changing Scan Settings
The settings that are applied when a document is scanned can be changed.
The following settings can be changed:
• Application that is automatically started up after scanning on ScanSnap!
→ [Application]
• Folder to save scanned images to
→ [Save]
• Scan mode (draft scan, high quality scan, scan in color mode, scan in B&W mode, reduce
noise of back side image, automatically remove blank pages)
→ [Scanning]
• Format of file for scanned image
→ [File option]
• Document scan size
→ [Paper size]
• Size of file when saving scanned images to
→ [Compression]
The following describes how to change settings.
1. Click the "ScanSnap! Monitor" icon in the task tray with the right mouse button, and
select [Setting...] from the menu that is displayed.
⇒ The "Scan and Save Settings" dialog box is displayed.