1.2 Project Management Function
This section explains the project management function of SOFTUNE Workbench.
■ Project Management Function
The project manages all information necessary for development of a microcontroller system. Especially, its
major purpose is to manage information necessary for creation of a target file.
The project manages the following information:
- Project configuration
- Active project configuration
- Information on source files, include files, other object files, library files
- Information on tools executed before and after executing language tools (customize build function)
■ Project Format
The project file supports two formats: a 'workspace project format,' and an 'old project format.'
The differences between the two formats are as follows:
Workspace project format
- Supports management of two or more project configurations
- Supports use of all macros usable in manager
- Does not support early Workbench versions(*)
Old project format
- Supports management of just one project configuration
- Limited number of macros usable in manager
For details, see Section "1.11 Macro Descriptions Usable in Manager".
- Supports early Workbench versions(*)
When a new project is made, the workspace project format is used.
When using an existing project, the corresponding project format is used.
If a project made by an early Workbench version(*) is used, a dialog asking whether to convert the file to the
workspace project format is displayed. For details, refer to Section "2.13 Reading SOFTUNE Project Files of
Old Versions" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
To open a project file in the workspace project format with an early Workbench version(*), it is necessary to
convert the file to the old project format. For saving the file in other project formats, refer to Section "4.2.7
Save As" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
*: F
MC-16: V30L26 or earlier
■ Project Configuration
The project configuration is a series of settings for specifying the characteristics of a target file, and making,
building, compiling and assembling is performed in project configurations.
Two or more project configurations can be created in a project. The default project configuration name is
Debug. A new project configuration is created on the setting of the selected existing project configuration. In
the new project configuration, the same files as those in the original project configuration are always used.
By using the project configuration, the settings of programs of different versions, such as the optimization