User's Manual3-26
General Tips
• Use high-quality paper. Do not use paper that is wrinkled or
curled at the edges.
• Do not use paper with staples or metal parts.
• Do not use paper with unpredictable variations in thickness,
such as paper with partial multilayers, paper with embossed
printing, and labels with the backing sheet exposed.
• Store paper in a clean, dry environment.
Multipart Forms
• Avoid using carbon-interleaved single sheets if possible.
Printing tends to become misaligned on the bottom sheet.
• To ensure smoother feeding of paper-stapled, multipart forms,
raise the rear stacker to support the forms.
When printing envelopes, use the paper table or the manual feed slot
of the cut sheet feeder. Note the following:
• When loading envelopes, make sure that the envelope flaps face
forward. Otherwise, the envelopes may jam in the printer.