User's Manual5-40
5. Exit setup mode, saving the top-of-form setting.
Make sure that the red cursor is positioned beneath SAVE & END,
then press the MENU button or the TEAR OFF button.
6. Check the top-of-form setting.
Load your paper and check the adjustment by printing a sample page
using your software. If necessary, reenter setup mode and fine-tune
the top-of-form position by changing the <CNTFINE> option.
The CONFIG function defines the printer’s primary configuration. You can
set the following options to ensure that the printer meets your requirements:
• Tear off for continuous forms
• Autoloading of single sheets
• Direct decoding of certain commands
• Enabling of the AREA OVER indicator
Table 5.6 describes the CONFIG items and options. Items are listed in the
order they are printed. The procedure for changing the configuration options
is described after Table 5.6.
Table 5.6 CONFIG Items and Options
NOTE: Underlined options are the factory defaults.
CONFIG Items Options Description
<TEAROFF> Auto or manual tearoff feed.
MANUAL Automatic tearoff feed is invalid,
and tearoff feed must be done using the
TEAR OFF button.
AUTO Automatic tearoff feed is valid but only
for continuous forms. Tearoff feed can
also be done using the TEAR OFF