Setting Up
User's Manual 2-21
4. To secure a parallel interface cable, flip the fastener clips located
on the printer into the notches on the cable connector. To secure
a serial interface cable, tighten the screws in the cable connector.
5. Attach the other end of the interface cable to your computer.
Gently pull on the cable to verify that it is secure.
6. Hold the cable along in the groove if you want to.
7. Push up the inside of the shutter to close the shutter.
Before printing with your software, verify that the correct emulation is
selected on your printer. This section describes the available
emulations and their selection.
For Experienced Users:
The printer’s preselected factory setting is the Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS
emulation. If this emulation is acceptable, you may skip this section.
An emulation is a set of commands used by your software to commu-
nicate with the printer. There are many different emulations available
for printers. Each emulation has unique features and capabilities. This
printer offers three resident emulations:
• Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS (for Fujitsu DL-series printers)
• IBM Proprinter XL24E
• Epson ESC/P2
Resident emulations are stored in the printer’s permanent memory.
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