SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Commands Command Reference dot1x user
This command adds the specified user to the list of users with access to the specified port or all
ports. The <username> parameter must be a configured user.
dot1x user <user> {<slot/port> | all}
no dot1x user <user> {<slot/port> | all}
<user> - Is the login user name.
<slot/port> - Is the desired interface number.
all - All interfaces.
no - This command removes the user from the list of users with access to the specified
port or all ports.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config dot1x port-control
This command sets the authentication mode to be used on all ports. The control mode may be
one of the following.
force-unauthorized: The authenticator PAE unconditionally sets the controlled port to
force-authorized: The authenticator PAE unconditionally sets the controlled port to
auto: The authenticator PAE sets the controlled port mode to reflect the outcome of the
authentication exchanges between the supplicant, authenticator, and the authentication server.
dot1x port-control all {auto | force-authorized | force-unauthorized}
no dot1x port-control all
all - All interfaces.