Chapter 1 Setting the Translation Style [Translation Style]
Advanced Techniques Hints for Achieving Better Translation Results
Specifies how a clause providing a reason (" ~して " clause)should be translated.
Specifies how clauses set in the " ~するが ... する " pattern should be translated.
「~か (どうか) …」
Specifies how clauses set in the " ~か (ど う か) " pattern should be translated.
Position of "If Clause"
Specifies where the if clause should be placed in the translated text.
Specifies how a purpose clause should be translated.
Original text
部品を点検し てエンジン を取りはずし な さい。
Setting Translated text
~ and ...
Check parts and detach the engine.
... ~ ing
Detach the engine checking parts.
Original text
電流は異常だが、 電圧は正常だ。
Setting Translated text
... though ~
The voltage is normal though the current is abnormal.
~ but ...
The current is abnormal but the voltage is normal.
Original text
部品が取り外されているか点検し な さい。
Setting Translated text
whether ~
Check whether parts are detached.
if ~
Check if parts are detached.
Original text
も しデータ に誤りがあれば、 処理を中断する。
Setting Translated text
At beginning of sentence If the mistake is found in data, processing is interrupted.
At end of sentence Processing is interrupted if the mistake is found in data.
Original text
システムがデータ を保護するよ う にパスワー ド を Setting しなさい。
Setting Translated text
may + Verb Set the password so that the system may protect data.
without "may" Set the password so that the system protects data.