If you are restoring, use the dd(1M) command after booting from the Solaris OS CD/DVD to
restore the slice unit.
- If you back up slice 0, it will only be possible to restore to a disk having the same physical
properties (disk space, number of cylinders) as the original.
- Disk partition information such as the size of each slice will not be backed up. You must record
this information separately.
d. To back up a disk unit, use the dd(1M) command after booting from the Solaris OS CD/DVD.
If you are restoring, use the dd(1M) command after booting from the Solaris OS CD/DVD, to
restore the disk unit.
- Because this procedure backs up the disk unit, it is only possible to restore to a disk having the
same physical properties (disk space, number of cylinders) as the original.
Depending on the tape device, you might have to observe some precautions when backing up or restoring.
Consult the manual of the tape device before such actions.
It is recommended that you select the SCSI device having the target ID 0 for Solaris OS installation. In this
case, the device name of the system disk will be "c0t0d0" obtained from the controller number (0), target ID
(0), and LUN number (0). If you install Solaris OS on a disk, having a controller number other than 0, the
controller number may change later depending on whether booting took place from a CD/DVD or a hard
disk. Thus when referring to disk device, check that it's name haven't changed due to the reason described
If you apply the optional software that contains modules that run as part of the driver and file system of the
system disk, carefully follow the instructions and notes described in the manuals supplied with each
software option.
For example, if you configure disk mirroring using PRIMECLUSTER GDS, you must select the backup
procedures mentioned in b. In addition, if the system disk contains a file system other than a ufs file system
such as PRIMECLUSTER GFS, you must select the backup procedures using the backup command
provided in the file system or the dd(1M) command.
2.2 Backup and Restore of File System Unit
The following describes how to back up the file system unit using the ufsdump(1M) command. "Solaris
System Administration Guide" also describes the following procedures.
Note that disk partition information such as the size of each slice will not be backed up. Therefore, you must
record the information separately using the prtvtoc(1M) or format(1M) commands.
# prtvtoc XXXX <Return>
# format XXXX turn> <Re
format> partition
partition> print
The "XXXX" in the above example is the character device name of the target disk. Use slice 2 of the disk,
like :
2.2.1 Backup of File System Unit
In single-user mode use the following procedures to back-up each file system. After backing up, reboot the
1. Boot the system in single-user mode.