Figure 4.1 Example of VLAN environment
By using VLAN, traffic management of two or more networks by the single physical interface can be done.
In order to create Figure 4.1 Example of VLAN environment, it is needed a VLAN setup (VLAN ID and
Tagged/Untagged) of a switch.
The vlan numbers fjgi interface can offer:
- No TagVLAN - With TagVLAN
To X.X.1.X To X.X.2.X To X.X.1.X To X.X.2.X
network network network network
(netmask: )
fjgi0 fjgi1
X.X.1.1 X.X.2.1
LAN Switch
LAN Switch
fjgi1000 fjgi2000
X.X.1.1 X.X.2.1
VLAN ID 1 – 4094 (are available)
Max number of VLAN interfaces 1024 (can be created) How to create the VLAN interface
-To create the VLAN interface.
By setting the interface number to more than 1000, it becomes possible to distinguish VLAN interface
from physical interface.
How to set:
- In case to create the "VLAN ID = 1" VLAN interface from instance = 0 physical interface.
Please refer to "4.3.1 Environment Setting ", and create the interface named as fjgi1000.
- In case to create the "VLAN ID = 231" VLAN interface from instance = 3 physical interface.
Please refer to "4.3.1 Environment Setting", and create the interface named as fjgi231003.
Low 3 digits of VLAN interface number : physical instance number
Upper digits except low 3 digits of VLAN interface number: VLAN ID(1 -
VLAN interface number = VLAN ID * 1000 + physical instance number
z When connecting with a LAN switch, Tag VLAN needs to be set to a LAN switch. (Please refer to a
LAN switch specification which supported Tag VLAN.)
z Please use a VLAN interface only with TCP/IP protocol. Please do not use it with SNA/FNA and OSI