Enter the user name and password you configured for your DDNS provider.
If you use a wildcard, all host names will be diverted to the main host. For example,
First.mycam.dyndns.org or Second.mycam.dyndns.org would be diverted to the host
named mycam.dyndns.org.
3: Release of the route in the virtual server
In the WEBcam example (preconfigured to the IP address the vendor notes
that the ports 80 and 7070 are required for communication and control (motor zoom).
These must be added to the virtual server using Add. The WEBcam can only be accessed
over the Internet in this way.
As a result, all IP packets with port 80 or 7070 at the WAN interface of the AccessPoint are
diverted to the internal IP address (WEBcam).
L The WEBcam can always dynamically obtain an IP address instead of a fixed
one. However, since there is a direct link between a port and a specific IP
address in the virtual router, the service only functions while the WEBcam
has no other address. In this case, it is recommendable to assign the MAC
address of the WEBcam permanently to an IP address Æ see DHCP / Ad-
dress Reservation.