Copy resident font to download area
m = 0: Courier 10
1: Prestige Elite 12
2: Draft
3: Compression
4: Boldface PS
5: Pica 10
6: Correspondence
7: High-speed draft
n = 0: Download font 0
1: Download font1
Create download font
• m (bits 4 and 5: Specifies the quality of characters to be
• m (bit 0: Specifies external font number to be registered)
• m (bits 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) Not used (don't care)
• Cs (Download start character of ASCII code)
• Ce (Download end character of ASCII code)
Precaution: Ce ≥ Cs
• data (Data of more than one byte containing bit map data)
(Reserved function)
ESC : NUL (m) (n)
ESC & (m) (Cs) (Ce) (data)
ESC e D (data);
Decimal 0 < Cs, Ce < 255
Hex 00 < Cs, Ce < FF
Bit 5 Bit 4 Selection of font quality
0 1 Letter (360 dpi)
1 0 Correspondence (180 dpi)
1 1 Draft (120 dpi)
Bit 0 Font number selection Remarks
0 Download font 0 At power-on, resident font
0 is automatically
1 Download font 1 At power-on, resident font
1 is automatically