(Values under 0 in [ ] are omitted.)
3. Conditions for vertical scanning:
1 ó [YR x L/1200] ò- 6968 (for flat-bed scan)
1 ó [YR x L/1200) ó 8400 (for ADF scan)
(Values under 0 in [ ] are omitted.)
(h) Brightness: Byte 16
Specifies the brightness for half-tone monochrome output. For multibit output, this scanner ignores
this field. On this scanner, brightness is variable to seven levels as shown in the following table.
Table 4-17
Value Brightness Remarks
00 -- Same as 80 to 9F range (with built-in dither)
00 to 1F Brighter
20 to 3F
40 to5F
60 to 7F
80 to 9F Digitized
A0 to BF
C0 to DF
E0 to W Darker
(i) Threshold: Byte 17
Specifies the threshold value for use in digitizing multivalued image data. A 0 value causes auto
digitization. A value other than 0 indicates a relative brightness, where the darkest value is at X'FF',
the brightest value is at X'01', and the normal (ordinary) value is at X'80'.
This scanner is limited to 64 levels of brightness. Internally, this scanner excludes X'00' and ignores the lowest
two bits. (X'00' represents Dynamic Threshold; X'01' to X'03' are the darkest.
(j) Contrast: Byte 18
If a value other than X'00' is specified, this scanner returns the following error:
• Status: B'0000l' (CHECK CONDITION)
• Sense key: X'5' (ILLEGAL REQUEST)
Specifies the type of image to be read. The following values are supported by this scanner:
X'00': Binary monochrome
X'0l': Dithered monochrome
X'02': Gray scale
X'03': bi-level RGB color
X'04': Dither RGB color
X'05': Multi-level RGB color
If a value X'03' or greater is specified, this scanner returns the following error:
Status: B'00001' (CHECK CONDITION)