Physical structure definition
An element of a SymfoWARE/RDB database definition for creating database spaces.
Pointer variable
A host variable declared as a pointer in an embedded C program. An area dynamically obtained using the malloc
function or obtained outside an embedded SQL declare section can be specified in an SQL statement.
Primary key
A column or group of columns that can uniquely specify a row of a table. One of the major elements for designing
logical structure. The primary key is specified using PRIMARY KEY in the unique constraint of the table definition.
Prime part
A constituent element of a storage structure that is unique to RANDOM structures. Storage data corresponding to
table data is obtained from a page (bucket) of this part first.
Related terms:
Overflow part
Private sort work area
One of the sort work areas of the SymfoWARE/RDB system. A private sort work area is prepared by the user. The
directory is specified in the operating environment file specific to an application program.
Related terms:
Shared sort work area, sort work area
Procedure routine
The definition of a database processing procedure by SQL is called a procedure routine.
Procedure routine definition
Defining a procedure routine with a logical structure is called procedure routine definition.
Related term:
Procedure routine
RANDOM structure
A storage structure of SymfoWARE/RDB database base tables. A storage structure in which hash function indexing is
used in the data storage method is called a RANDOM structure.
Related term:
OBJECT structure, SEQUENTIAL structure