In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 25
FTEL Issue 02 March 02
What to do if the Modem is Plugged in First
The installation of the software should be started without the modem connected to the computer.
However, if you have connected the Modem and attempt to install the software the installation still
works but you see different dialogue boxes because the computer detects the modem. The new
dialogues are additional and come before the dialogues shown in the installation procedures
(Procedure 2-2, Procedure 2-3, Procedure 2-4 and Procedure 2-5).
Operating System Complete this procedure first then complete this procedure
Windows 98 Procedure 2-6 Procedure 2-2
Windows 200 Procedure 2-7 Procedure 2-3
Windows ME Procedure 2-8 Procedure 2-4
Windows XP Procedure 2-9 Procedure 2-5