
Problem Solution
Thecameraturns off
suddenly. Chargethe batteryor insertafully-chargedsparebattery(7).
Chargingdoesnotstart. Reinsertthe batteryinthe correctorientationandmakesurethatthechargerispluggedin(7).
Chargingisslow. Chargethe batteryatroomtemperature(vi).
Thecharginglamplights, Thereis dirtonthe batteryterminals: Cleantheterminalswitha soft,drycloth.
but the batterydoesnot The battery has beenchargedmany times: Thebatteryhasreachedtheendof itscharg-
charge, inglife. Purchaseanewbattery.If the batterystillfails tocharge,contactyourFUJIFILMdealer.
Menus and Displays
_n_ dHiPr°blemare Solution
M: :u'r-n: ":splays ISelectENGLISH for [] mmlLANG, ( ]8,8])
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Problem Solution
Memory isfull: Insertanewmemorycardordeletepictures( ]], 43).
Memory is not formatted: Formatthememorycardor internalmemory( 82).
Nopictureistakenwhen " Thereis dirt onthe memory cardcontacts: Cleanthe contactswith asoft,drycloth.
the shutterbutton is Thememorycard isdamaged:Inserta newmemorycard(_ ]]).
Thebattery isexhausted: Chargethebatteryorinsert afully-chargedsparebattery( 7).
pressed. Thecamera has turned offautomatkally: Turnthecameraon (16).
The indicator lamp was orange when you attempted to record a panorama: Waituntil
the indicatorlampsturnsoff( 3).
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