3.1.4 Uninstall
The printer driver uninstall procedure is described below:
1. Select [Setting] > [Printer] from the [Start] menu. The [Print-
ers] folder window appears.
2. Click the [FUJIFILM PICTROGRAPHY3500] icon, then click
[Delete] from the [File] menu.
You will be prompted to confirm the delete. Click the [Yes] but-
3. You may also be prompted as follows: "These files are no longer
needed. Delete?" If so, click the [Yes] button.
4. This completes the uninstall.
3.2 Windows 98
3.2.1 Connecting the PICTROGRAPHY 3500 for
the first time
Unless the printer driver is already installed, when you start up your
computer with the PICTROGRAPHY 3500 connected for the first
time, the following screen is displayed when Windows 98 starts.
You can install the printer driver by the procedure described below.
If you would rather install the printer driver at some later time, click
the [Cancel] button.
1. Insert the PICTROGRAPHY3500 Printer Driver CD-ROM into
the PC.
2. Click the [Next] button.
The following appears:
3. Select [Search for best driver for your device [Recommended]
and click the [Next] button.
The following appears:
4. Check [Specify a location] and enter the following location in
the field where the search location is specified.
For CE Type:
E:\Win95_98English\CE (*If your CD-ROM drive is E: drive)
For UC Type:
E:\Win95_98English\UC (*If your CD-ROM drive is E: drive)
5. Click the [Next] button.
The following appears:
for CE type
for UC type