Warning Messages and Displays
A connection error occurred while pictures were being printed or copied to a computer or other
A connection error occurred while pictures were being printed or copied to a computer or other
device. Confi rm that the device is turned on and that the USB cable is connected.
device. Confi rm that the device is turned on and that the USB cable is connected.
Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error. Check printer (see printer manual for details).
Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error. Check printer (see printer manual for details).
To resume printing, turn the printer off and then turn it back on.
To resume printing, turn the printer off and then turn it back on.
Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error.
Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error.
Check printer (see printer manual for details). If
Check printer (see printer manual for details). If
printing does not resume automatically, tap
printing does not resume automatically, tap
to resume.
An attempt was made to print a movie, a picture not created with the camera, or a picture in a
An attempt was made to print a movie, a picture not created with the camera, or a picture in a
format not supported by the printer. Movies and some pictures created with other devices can
format not supported by the printer. Movies and some pictures created with other devices can
not be printed; if the picture is a still picture created with the camera, check the printer manual
not be printed; if the picture is a still picture created with the camera, check the printer manual
to confi rm that the printer supports the JFIF-JPEG or Exif-JPEG format. If it does not, the pictures
to confi rm that the printer supports the JFIF-JPEG or Exif-JPEG format. If it does not, the pictures
can not be printed.