It is the responsibility of the dealer to complete the procedures listed below, then
review this checklist with the customer upon the delivery or the sale of this implement.
Frontier 20 Series Rotary Cutter
❑ 1. Implement is completely assembled.
❑ 2. Gearbox fi lled with oil and checked for
possible leaks. (See page 31)
❑ 3. All fi ttings lubricated. (See page 20 - 21)
❑ 4. All shields in place and in good condition.
❑ 5. Verify cotter pin is installed in castle nut located
on output shaft of gearbox.
❑ 6. All fasteners torqued to specifi cations in
Torque Chart. (See page 34)
❑ 7. Check PTO driveline. Make sure it is the
correct length to operate rotary cutter with
intended tractor. (See page 14)
Dealer’s Signature ______________________________________________
Purchaser’s Signature ____________________________________________
2 Introduction
❑ 8. Check front of input gearbox shaft and make sure that
snap ring is properly installed. (For models RC2048,
RC2060 & RC2072)
❑ 9. Check shear/retaining bolt for proper grade
and installation. (See page 23, 24, 25 and 39)
❑ 10. All decals in place and readable. (See page 8 - 9)
❑ 11. Overall condition good (i.e. paint, welds)
❑ 12. Operator’s manual has been given to owner and
the owner has been instructed on the safe and
proper use of the rotary cutter.
Rotary Cutter Manufacturer Product Council
Safety is a primary concern in the design, manufacture, sale, and use of
rotary cutters. As manufacturers of rotary cutters, we want to confi rm to
you, our customers, our concern for safety. We also want to remind you
about the simple, basic, and common sense rules of safety when using a
rotary cutter. Failure to follow these rules can result in severe injury or
death to operators or bystanders.
It is essential that everyone involved in the assembly, operation,
transport, maintenance, and storage of this equipment be aware,
concerned, prudent, and properly trained in safety. The majority of
accidents involve entanglement on the driveline or thrown objects.
These risks become greater when you do not use proper shielding
specifi ed by the manufacturer.
Our current production machines include, as standard equipment,
guards or shields for drivelines and input shafts, safety signs and
operators manuals. If you have an older machine which does not have
current standard safety equipment, please contact your dealer about
bringing your machine up to the current level of safety.
Below are some of the most important safety rules to be understood
and followed by anyone who works with rotary cutters:
Before operating a rotary cutter, an operator must read and understand
all the information in the owner’s manual and in the safety signs
attached to the product. A person who has not read or understood the
From members of the Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association’s
owner’s manual and safety signs is not qualifi ed to operate the cutter.
Accidents occur often on machines that are loaned or rented to someone
who has not read the owner’s manual and is not familiar with a rotary
cutter. If you do not have an owner’s manual or current production
safety signs, contact the manufacturer or your dealer immediately.
Rotary cutters are designed for one-man operation. Never operate the
cutter with anyone near, or in contact with, any part of the implement or
PTO driveline. Be sure no one else, including bystanders, is near you
when you operate this product
If operation of a rotary cutter around bystanders, animals, or property
that may sustain damage (such as highway, park, or airport) is
absolutely necessary, use safety guarding recommended by the
manufacturer for thrown object prevention (such as chain guards).
Following these simple, basic safety rules, as well as others identifi ed
in the owner’s manual and in product safety signs, will help minimize
the possibility of accidents and increase your productivity in using this
product. Be careful and make sure that everyone who operates the cutter
knows and understands that it is a very powerful piece of machinery,
and if used improperly, serious injury or death may result. The fi nal
responsibility for safety rests with the operator of this machine.
Phone: 314.878.2304
E-mail: staff@FarmEquip.org
A safety manual for Rotary Cutters is available
through the FEMA offi ce.