126 Frequently Asked Questions
GPS Questions
GPS = Global Positioning Systems
HEPE = Horizontal Estimated Position Error (equates to GPS accuracy)
NMEA = National Marine Electronics Association
LBS = Location-Based Services
BMF = Business Mobility Framework
IMQ = Idle Mode Query (Service Option 35)
AFLT = Advanced Forward Link Trilateration
Questions About GPS Technology
What is GPS?
GPS satellites transmit signals to equipment on the ground. GPS receivers passively receive
satellite signals, but do not transmit. There are various GPS standards for User Plane and
Control Plane.
What is GPS User Plane?
It is the ability to execute GPS requests at the subscriber level (that is, on your mobile
broadband device).
What is GPS Control Plane?
It is the ability to execute GPS Requests at the server level (that is, via the network).
What GPS mode options are supported?
GPS on a Sprint Mobile Broadband device works like any other GPS device. Sprint currently
offers GPS Basic service. GPS Premium service will be available in the near future.
What is Location-Based Service (LBS)?
Location-based services provide current position information from the Location Server on the
Sprint network and allow you to find nearby locations such as gas stations, hotels, restaurants,
and banks.
What is GPS Basic?
GPS Basic allows the Mobile Broadband device to use GPS outdoors only. In this mode, the
GPS receiver (device) requires an unobstructed view of GPS satellites (the sky), and, like any
other GPS device, often does not perform well within forested areas or near tall buildings.
Sprint GPS Basic is based on gpsOne
standards and uses LBS for the first fast GPS fix. GPS
coordinate values are made available for applications via a local GPS NMEA communications
What is GPS Premium?
GPS Premium is an enhanced GPS experience that will be available from Sprint in the near
future. It is not currently available.