Users Manual
If the range is locked, overrange inputs produce a
display of - - - - - -. In Auto Range, out of range
inputs produce a display of ! ! ! ! ! !.
Measuring Electrical Parameters
When you turn on the calibrator, it powers up in the
dc voltage measurement function. To select an
electrical measurement function from either
SOURCE or MEASURE/SOURCE mode, first press
M for MEASURE mode, then proceed as follows:
1. Press M for current, v for dc voltage, h
once for ac voltage or twice for frequency, or
q for resistance.
To measure frequency you are prompted to
select a frequency range as shown next. If
you expect the frequency you are measuring
to be below 20 Hz, press
to select the
lower frequency range, then press
2. Connect the test leads as shown in Figure 9,
depending on the measurement function.