SYSTem:SET <indefinite_block>
Query form:
SYSTem:SET? [<node_nr> | MINimum | MAXimum]
<node_nr> A number specifying which node settings. The
following nodes are supported:
0 End node indicator.
1|2|3|4 Channel 1 (MINimum) / 2 / 3 / 4 settings
14 Probe scale settings
15 Common vertical settings
16 Horizontal settings
17 Main timebase settings
18 Delayed time base settings
19 Event trigger delay settings
20 SCPI trigger source
32 Cursor settings
33 Cursor autosearch settings
49|50 MEASurement 1/2 settings
51 Pass/Fail test settings
65|66 MATH1/2 settings
80 Display settings
81 Trace intensity settings
82 Display trace position settings
96 Setup label text
112 Autorange settings
128 Real-time clock settings
240 Service (factory) settings (MAXimum)
The SYSTem:SET command programs the instrument to a complete or partial
instrument setup (defined by a node number) using the instrument settings that
were previously retrieved with the SYSTem:SET? query. The instrument settings
are binary settings (bits and bytes) that are changing dynamically. In addition,
various settings are interdependent, even settings divided across different nodes.
For these reasons, instrument settings must not be changed individually.
Appendix E summarizes which instrument settings belong to which node.
If the <node_nr> doesn't exist, the error message -222,"Data out of range;
reserved for future use" is generated. If the <node_nr> is not applicable for this
instrument, the error message -222,"Data out of range; reserved for combi
instrument" is generated.