or by setting INITiate:CONTinuous to ON. The INITiate[:IMMediate] command
causes the CombiScope instrument to perform one complete acquisition cycle.
Upon completion of the cycle the instrument returns to the IDLE state.
The INItiate:CONTinuous command is used to select whether the instrument is
continuously initiated or not. When INItiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, the
instrument immediately exits IDLE and starts an acquisition cycle. On completion
of each cycle, the instrument does not return to the IDLE state, but immediately
starts another acquisition cycle.
Before the acquisition takes place, the trigger conditions must be satisfied. These
conditions are programmable to suit the needs of your application, as described in
the next section. After a
RST command, there are no trigger conditions to be met.
So, an INITiate command causes the CombiScope instrument to immediately
trigger the acquisition.
Executing the measurement instructions MEASure? and READ? causes the
acquisition to become initiated automatically. No separate INITiate commands are
needed. When the FETCh? instruction is used, the instrument must have been
initiated either by a preceding INITiate[:IMMediate] command, or implicitly by a
READ? or MEASure? instruction.
When the CombiScope instrument receives the ABORt command, any
acquisition that is in progress is aborted immediately, and the instrument returns
to the IDLE state. The same occurs when
RST is received. The ABORt
command distinguishes from
RST in that
RST also resets the instrument
settings, whereas, ABORt does not. For example, when INITiate:CONTinuous is
set to ON, a
RST command not only aborts the pending acquisition and forces
the instrument to the IDLE state, but it also sets INITiate:CONTinuous to OFF,
preventing the acquisition to initiate again. Since ABORt does not affect the
instrument settings, an aborted acquisition cycle is immediately initiated again.
When the instrument is in the IDLE state, the "no-pending operation" flag that is
associated with the acquisition is set True. The
OPC and
OPC? commands use
this flag to signal their "Operation Completed" response. Notice that if
INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, the instrument does not return to the IDLE
state when an acquisition cycle has completed. This means that no "Operation
Completed" response is generated after the
OPC and
OPC? commands.