- oversh (OVERSHOOT)
Measures the overshoot (in %), related to the amplitude of the signal. There are
two types of overshoot: rising overshoot and falling overshoot (undershoot).
- presh (PRESHOOT)
Measures the preshoot (in %), related to the amplitude of the signal. There are
two types of preshoot: rising preshoot and falling preshoot.
It is possible to perform measurements on the part of the waveform between the
two cursors. This function is called cursor limited measurements and is turned on
via the key sequence MEASURE >> CURSOR LIMIT & STATIST >> CURSOR
LIMITED yes. Cursor operation is done via the TRACK and ∆ controls and via the
CURSOR menu.
Results of the measurements MEAS1 and MEAS2 are displayed in the top left
corner of the screen. When you press the key sequence MEASURE >> CURSOR
LIMIT & STATIST >> STATIST on, the screen displays three values per MEAS
function. These values are measured over the total number of acquisitions for that
particular measurement and are updated instantly. The statistic measurement
values are as follows:
- absolute minimum value
- absolute maximum value
- mean value
rising oversh =
high - low
max (of 1st rising slope) -high
falling oversh =
high - low
low - min (of 1st falling slope)
rising presh =
high - low
low - min (of 1st rising slope)
falling presh =
high - low
max (of 1st falling slope) -high