© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 44
• Stability test for Ready/Not Ready indication(see Section 3.2.1): The DUT tolerance
divided by 10, or 2 ppm of Q-RPT span, whichever is greater.
• Upper limit (UL): The DUT full scale plus 5 %, or the Q-RPT’s maximum UL, whichever is
less (see Section 3.4.4).
To AutoRange the RPM4 based on DUT characteristics but not execute an AutoTest, the
AutoTest can be aborted just after the initialization. Then the RPM4 is set up appropriately
for the DUT to be tested but the AutoTest increments don’t execute.
See OPERATION in this Section for information on running a Quick or File AutoTest.
See Section for information on setting up File AutoTest files.
See Section for information on viewing the data files that result from running a File
To run an AutoTest, press [ENT] from the Rate, RPT
or Clean run screen (DISPLAY modes that do not use
[ENT] (see Section 3.3.6)). The display is:
Run AutoTest:
1Quick 2File
Select <1Quick> to run a Quick AutoTest or <2File> to run a File AutoTest (see PRINCIPLE
above in this Section).
If <2File> is selected, the File AutoTest file number must be specified (see Section
The test is initialized automatically using the information in the File AutoTest file and test
execution begins with the <SET VALVE FOR RPT> screen (see Section
If <1Quick> is selected, test initialization begins with the <Measurement mode:> screen
When <2File> is selected to run a File AutoTest, the test initialization information
is obtained from the file selected. Operation proceeds directly to the test
confirmation. The RPM4 asks the operator to confirm the range of the AutoTest
(<ENTER to run…>), AutoRanges (see Section 3.3.4) and operation proceeds
directly to test execution (see Section
When <1Quick> is selected to run a
Quick AutoTest, the display is:
un current Quick
AutoTest: 1yes 2no
This selection provides the choice between running the last Quick AutoTest,
including AutoRanging the RPM4 based on the previously entered DUT
characteristics or setting up a new Quick AutoTest definition. Select <1yes> to
rerun the last Quick AutoTest (see below in this Section). Select <2no> to define
a new Quick AutoTest.
When <2no> is selected from the <Run current Quick AutoTest> screen, the
AutoTest set-up/edit routine is accessed. The information needed to AutoRange
RPM4 based on the DUT characteristics is then collected in successive screens
as follows.
• <Measurement mode:>: Select <1gauge> or <2absolute> depending on
the measurement mode of the DUT being tested (see Section 3.3.3).
• <Pressure units of measure>: The units of measure screen from the [UNIT]
function key is presented (see Section 3.3.2). Select the desired pressure unit of
measure. The choice of units may be modified (see Section 3.5.6).
• <DUT full scale:>: Enter the full scale pressure (maximum pressure) of the
DUT in the measurement mode and pressure units that have been specified
in the previous two steps.