
SEC Flashes SEC for secondary menu and then displays the
heater power
12.0P Heater power in percent
Access proportional band
ProP Flashes and then displays the setting
Proportional band setting
To change the proportional band, press “UP” or “DOWN”.
New proportional band setting
To accept the new setting press “SET”. Press “EXIT” to continue without stor-
ing the new value.
Accept the new proportional band setting
6.10 Controller Configuration
The controller has a number of configuration and operating options and calibra-
tion parameters which are programmable via the front panel. These are ac-
cessed from the secondary menu after the proportional band function by
pressing “SET”. Pressing “SET” again enters the first of three sets of configu-
ration parameters - operating parameters, serial interface parameters, and cali
bration parameters. The menus are selected using “UP” or “DOWN” and then
pressing “SET”.
6.11 Operating Parameters
The operating parameters menu is indicated by,
PAr Operating parameters menu
The operating parameters menu contains the High Limit parameter.
6.12 High Limit
The High Limit parameter adjusts the upper set-point temperature. The factory
default and maximum are set to the instrument temperature limit. For safety, a
user can adjust the High Limit down so the maximum temperature set-point is
6 Controller Operation
Controller Configuration