80TK Calibration Procedure
A calibration cycle of 1 year is recommended to maintain the
80TK within specifications. The required equipment is listed
below. Use Calibration Procedure 1 to calibrate the 80TK for
use with any K-type thermocouple. Use Calibration Procedure
2 if the 80TK will be used exclusively with one K-type
thermocouple. Always calibrate the Celsius function before
calibrating the Fahrenheit function.
Location of Calibration Adjustments
Calibration Procedure 1.
Use this procedure to calibrate the 80TK:
1. Verify the condition of the battery as described above and
replace the battery if necessary. Follow the Battery
Replacement procedure to disassemble the 80TK, but do
not remove the battery or reassemble the 80TK.
2. Allow 80TK and the room-temperature water bath to
stabilize at room temperature, away from drafts, for at
least 30 minutes before proceeding with calibration. Place
the reference thermometer into the room temperature
water bath. Allow the reading to stabilize.
3. Use the shorting bar to short the 80TK thermocouple input
4. Plug the 80TK into the dc volts input of the multimeter. Set
the multimeter to the 300 mV or equivalent range.
5. Set the switch on the 80TK to CELSIUS position. Adjust
R4 to half rotation, then adjust R5 until the reading on the
multimeter matches the reading on the mercury reference
thermometer ± 5.0°C. Now adjust R4 until the two
readings are within ± 0.1°C.
If the mercury reference thermometer displays °F,
use the following conversion to get °C:
[5/9 (temp in °F)-32] = (temp in °C)
6. Set the switch on the 80TK to the FAHRENHEIT (center)
7. Adjust R16 until the reading on the multimeter matches
the reading on the mercury reference thermometer ±
If the mercury reference thermometer displays °C,
use the following conversion to get °F:[9/5(temp
in °C) + 32] = (temp in °F)
8. Set 80TK switch to the OFF position. Remove 80TK from
multimeter and remove any connections to the 80TK
thermocouple input terminals.
9. Reassemble the 80TK.
10. The 80TK is now calibrated.
Calibration Procedure 2.
Use this procedure if the 80TK will be used exclusively with
one K-type thermocouple:
Perform Calibration Procedure 1. Substitute the following for
step 3 in Calibration Procedure 1:
3. Connect the thermocouple to the 80TK thermocouple
input, and place the thermocouple into the room
temperature bath along with the mercury reference
Required Equipment
Refer to Table 1 for equipment required to calibrate the 80TK.
Table 1. Required Equipment
Instrument Minimum Specification Recommended Model
Mercury Reference Thermometer 0.1°C resolution Princo Model SAMA-CP45
Dewar Flask and Cap(water bath) 2 pint capacity, filled with water Thermos bottle
Digital Voltmeter 300 mV range, 100 µV resolution Fluke Model 87 Series III
Shorting bar
K-type thermocouple
<1 ohm
meets NBS standards(with subminiature K plug)
Fluke 80PK-1
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