RUSKA 7350
Users Manual
2. Use the rotary knob located to the right of the display to move the highlight bar to the
desired unit.
The highlighted curser initially shows the current unit of measure. When
the rotary knob is moved, the current unit remains highlighted in a gray
color, and the new unit is highlighted in a light blue color.
3. When the unit desired is highlighted, press the ENTER key on the far right side of
the front panel, under the numeric keypad. The display will return to the Main screen
with the current units.
The second part of this tutorial uses the Calibrator to generate pressure. The pressure
supply must be connected and the test port must be connected to a closed volume, in
accordance with Chapter 3, Pneumatic Connections section.
4. From the Main Menu, use the numeric keypad to enter the starting pressure. The
pressure is entered in the units set in the previous exercise. As the pressure is entered,
each digit will be displayed in the numeric scratchpad (the highlighted box in the
lower section of the display). If a mistake is made, press the CLEAR key (found in
the numeric keypad), and the numeric scratchpad will be cleared.
Figure 4-5. Main Menu - Entering Pressure
5. When the entry is correct, press the ENTER key. The scratchpad will be cleared and
the value will appear as the new set-point.
6. Now that the starting pressure is entered, enter Control mode. Press Control [F2].
The CONTROL label will be highlight, and the message “Press Enter to Confirm”
will appear below the scratch pad. Notice that the upper left corner still shows
MEASURE. The Calibrator stays in Measure mode until the change is confirmed.