Introduction and Specifications
Table 1-2. Specifications (cont.)
Electromagnetic Compatibility This instrument is designed to operate in Standard Laboratory
environments where in electromagnetic environment is highly
controlled. If used in areas with RF fields >0.4 V/m there could be
errors in measurement.
DC Mode (including 5100 Series B)
Output Range ±1 to ±19.9999 A
Accuracy of Output ±(0.025 % of selected output + 1 mA)
Resolution ±0.1 mA
Temperature Coefficient ±(0.003 % of selected output + 100 µA) / °C, above 30 °C and
below 20 °C
Line Regulation Output changes less than 0.001 % for a ±10 % change in line
Load Regulation Output changes less than ±(0.005 % + 0.3 mA) for a full load
changes of 4 V of compliance.
AC Mode (including 5100 Series B)
Output Range 1 A rms to 19.9999 A rms
Accuracy of Output ±(0.07 % of selected output + 1 mA rms) from 50 Hz to 1 kHz,
and ±(0.07 % of selected output + 1 mA rms) x f from 1 kHz to 5
kHz, where f = frequency in kHz.
Resolution ±0.1 mA rms
Temperature Coefficient ±(0.003 % of selected output + 100 µA rms) per °C, above 30 °C
and below 20 °C.
Short Term Stability Output changes less than ±(0.02 % + 500 µA rms) in 10 minutes,
with constant line, load, and temperature.
Harmonic Distortion and Noise ±(0.07 % of output + 1 mA rms) over frequency range of 30 Hz to
1 kHz a noise bandwidth of 300 kHz, ±(0.07 % of output + 1 mA)
x f from 1 kHz to 5 kHz, where f = frequency in Hz.
Line Regulation Output changes less than 0.005 % for ±10 % changes in line
Load Regulation For frequencies less than 1 kHz:
±(0.005 % lout + 150 µA) per volt of output compliance voltage.
For frequencies greater than 1 kHz:
±(0.005 % lout + 150 µA) x f per volt of output compliance
voltage, where f = frequency in kHz.