Users Manual
Table 5-8. IEEE-488 Interface Function Subsets
SH1 Source Handshake
AH1 Acceptor Handshake
T5 Talker
L4 Listener
SRI Service Request
RL1 Remote/Local
DC1 Device Clear*
DT1 Device Trigger
E1 Electrical interface
^C (CNTRL C) is the RS-232 equivalent of DC1, causing <CR><LF> and a new prompt to be output.
Table 5-9. IEEE-488 Common Commands
Command Name Description
*ESE <value>
Clear Status
Event Status Enable
Event Status Enable
Event Status
Register Query
Identification Query
Operation Complete
Operation Complete
Clears all event registers summarized in the status byte,
except for "Message Available," which is cleared only if *CLS
is the first message in the command line.
Sets "Event Status Enable Register" to <value>, an integer
between 0 and 255. <value> is an integer whose binary
equivalent corresponds to the state (1 or 0) of bits in the
register. If <value> is not between 0 and 255, an Execution
Error is generated.
EXAMPLE: decimal 16 converts to binary 00010000. Sets bit
4 (EXE) in ESE to 1.
Meter returns the <value> of the "Event Status Enable
Register" set by the *ESE command. <value> is an integer
whose binary equivalent corresponds to the state (1 or 0) of
bits in the register.
Meter returns the <value> of the "Event Status Register" and
then clears it. <value> is an integer whose binary equivalent
corresponds to the state (1 or 0) of bits in the register.
Meter returns the identification code of the meter as four
fields separated by commas. These fields are: manufacturer
("FLUKE"); model ("45"); seven-digit serial number; version of
main software and version of display software.
Meter sets the Operation Complete bit in the Standard Event
Status Register when parsed.
Meter places an ASCII "1 " In The output Queue when
Meter performs power-up reset except that the state of IEEE-
488 interface is unchanged, including: 1) instrument address,
2) Status Byte and, 3) Event Status Register.