Recording Measurements
Recording Measurements
Press to begin recording readings for all measurement functions. Then
or to cycle through the screens for the function presently
selected. You can also switch between measurement functions while in
Record mode. (See Figure 16 for an overview of possible record screens.) For
any function, the Tester displays screens in the following order:
NOW The present readings. This screen always appears first when you
start Record.
MAX The maximum values measured since you started Record.
AVG The averages of values measured since you started
Record. (Average values stop updating after 48 hours of
continuous record operation.)
MIN The minimum values measured since you started Record.
When in Record, only the following keys are active:
Press a second time to exit Record. This action discards all recorded
values and returns to the previous measurement screen. The Tester begins
storing a new set of values each time you start Record.
The Tester loses recorded values if the batteries discharge too much. If
comes on during Record, write down any values of interest. (You have ample
time to do this with alkaline batteries. NiCad batteries discharge much more
rapidly once
comes on.) Changing the battery erases the Record memory.
You can access 12 different record screens:
NOW, MAX, AVG, and MIN for
volts, amps, and watts measurement functions. Figure 16 presents an
overview of the record measurements and computations available by function.
The Record mode acquires only single-phase data approximately
every 500 ms (0.5s). It is not intended to capture transients, nor is it
able to capture single events on the power line.