Users Manual
Measuring Loop
This loop is entered by pressing the "START TEST" button. After releasing
"START TEST" the last measured value stays on the display. By repeated
pressing of the "DISPLAY MENU" button all supplementary values can be
called. If a measured value exceeds or falls below the pre-set limit, the limit
can be displayed as well (with "DISPLAY MENU"). In that case the measured
value is diplayed with a flashing "LIMIT" whereas the limit value is displayed
with a steady "LIMIT"-symbol.
Inside the measuring loop parameters cannot be changed.
Further possibilities of button operation:
Warning sound (}) cancel with "DISPLAY MENU" (with display switchover)
or with "CHANGE ITEM" or "SELECT" button (without display switchover).
Checking of Correct Measuring Connection (Socket Alloca-
The instrument implements an automatic check, corresponding to the meas-
urement selected, to see if the correct input sockets are used.
The display symbols EFGH and B
are assigned to a specific socket
as shown in Figure 4.
From the way the symbols are displayed, the validity of the connected wiring
can be concluded by the following features:
• socket incorrectly wired (or, by mistake, not wired): corresponding
symbol flashes.
• socket correctly wired: corresponding symbol is steady active
• socket with no connection: corresponding symbol is blank