
General Instructions
Section 2
2.1 General Instructions
Switch Settings
The front panel selector/toggle switch on the Digital X-Ray Pulse Counter/Timer has three positions:
“OFF”, “PULSE” and “MILLISEC”. The switch is OFF when in the center position.
All power to the instrument is disconnected in the “OFF” position. Set the switch to “OFF” when not in
use, to conserve battery life. The center position is OFF.
When the switch is moved to the “PULSE” position, the instrument will be used for measuring output
pulses from half-wave or full-wave rectified machines as well as AC line voltage pulses. Normally, each
full second of exposure will produce 60 pulses. An exposure of 2/10 second will read 12, for example.
With the switch in the “MILLISEC” position, the instrument will measure the length of time that a DC or 3-
phase AC x-ray is on. The display reading will be in milliseconds; i.e., an exposure of 1 second will read
1000; an exposure of 2/10 second will read 200.
When reading directly from an x-ray head, no connections are made to the instrument. Point the x-ray
head at the “target” area of the instrument (near the lower left side of the instrument). Take an exposure
and read the time on the display in pulses or milliseconds.
Oscilloscope Output
A jack labeled “scope” located on the left side of the instrument is the oscilloscope output. It allows the
user to connect the instrument to an oscilloscope, so that x-ray waveform can be observed. This
connector takes a standard 2.5 mm mono phone plug.
Remote Sensor
To use the Remote Sensor (optional), connect the plug at the end of the remote sensor cable into the jack
labeled “remote” located on the left side of the Digital X-Ray Pulse Counter/Timer. Point the x-ray head at
the target on the Remote Sensor. Stretch the cable out and use as described above.