Shake... Crash... Reset... Re-Smash!
Bottom View
• Slide the On/Off switch on the bottom
of the car to on.
• Lift the car and shake it to start the
"engine" and the sound effects.
Hint: For maximum distance, shake
the car 7 or 8 times. Shaking more
than this does not increase the
distance it will travel.
• Set the car down and let it go. The car
races up to 20 feet (6 m)!
• Crash your car and see the parts fly!
Note: Use only projectiles (spoiler)
supplied with this toy. Do not launch at
people or animals or at point blank range.
Note: Plastic tabs are attached to the
toy for in-store demonstration purposes.
While the tabs may have already been
removed, check the bottom of the toy to
be sure. If a plastic tab is still attached,
pull and remove the tab. Throw the
plastic tabs away.
Please keep small parts such
as plastic tabs out of children’s
reach. Throw the plastic tabs away.
• To reset the car, press down on the
hood area. Insert the spoiler into
the hole at the rear of the car until it
"clicks" in place.
• When you're finished, slide the On/Off
switch to off.
Race your cars on the
Shake ’n Go Crash-up Speedway!
Sold separately and subject to availability.