Winner of FIRA International Awards for
Ergonomic Excellence every year from
2000 to 2007. (FIRA is the UK’s Furniture
Industry Research Association).
RH Logic 4 and RH Logic 3 chairs
Sitting with upright posture helps to stop your lungs and
diaphragm from being compressed. This promotes good
blood circulation and helps you breathe more easily.
Your inter-vertebral discs are under optimal pressure,
which reduces discomfort in your neck and lower back.
Your pelvis adopts an open angle, which assists circula-
tion in your legs, knees and feet, while helping you to
keep an upright posture.
These chairs have been our top-selling
product for more than a decade.
They offer reliable support and are the chair
of choice for ergonomists, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists, chiropractors,
osteopaths throughout the UK and the rest
of Europe.
The RH4
£767 + VAT ( £901.23)
Including inflatable lumbar
support, neck rest, height-
adjustable and swivel-top arms
The RH3
£632 + VAT ( £742.60 )
Including inflatable lumbar support,
height-adjustable and swivel-top arms
Extra-low arms: 20-28cm
Adjustable height and width,
with sliding-depth tops
£72 + VAT (£84.60) (pair)
Standard arms: 21.5-29.5cm
Adjustable height and width, with
sliding-depth tops
£72 + VAT (£84.60) (pair)
Swivel-top arms:
Adjustable height and width
£72 + VAT (£84.60) (pair)
More optional extras for RH 3 & 4
chairs can be found on page 28
Click HERE
(on this page in our
online web catalogue)
for RH Logic 3, 4 &
RH Activ dimensions
Relax 3-D
floating armrests
£206 + VAT (£242.05 (pair)
Without neck rest—deduct
£38 + VAT ( £44.65)
17, Alexandria Drive,
St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JF.
(01253) 724902