Model 407777 Version 2.2 Jan 04
1. Insert the sensor into the sensor input jack on the meter top
2. Ensure that a fresh 9V battery is installed by powering the unit, observing that the
LCD illuminates, and that the low battery indicator LBT is off. To access the rear
battery compartment, the meter’s protective rubber jacket must be removed.
3. Remove the rubber pin protector from the sensor pin tips before use.
4. Note that this meter automatically turns off after 10 minutes to conserve battery life.
To defeat this feature, press the RECORD key to access the data recording mode. In
the recording mode, the automatic power off feature is disabled. For more on the
recording mode, refer to the section ‘Maximum and Minimum Record and Recall’ later
in this manual.
Wood Moisture Measurements
Wood moisture measurements for known wood type
1. Press the POWER button to turn on the meter.
2. Use the Material button to select a wood group (refer to the material list in the
Appendix later in this manual). Select group 1 through 9 for general woods or Group 9
for chipboard.
3. Insert the sensor's test pins into the wood under test.
4. Insertion should be to at least a 0.08” (2mm) depth for highest accuracy. If this is not
possible, carefully insert the test pins as far as possible without using undue force.
5. The meter display will now indicate moisture content in %.
6. If the moisture content is greater then 30% the display will indicate dashes at the top
of the LCD display ( ).
7. If the moisture content is less than 9% the display will indicate dashes along the
bottom of the LCD display ( _ _ _ _ _ ).
Wood moisture measurements for unknown wood type
Note that this method is used for reference only. Measurements of known wood types have
a higher accuracy than measurements of unknown wood types.
1. Turn ON the meter.
2. Select Material Group 1 using the Material select button.
3. Insert the sensor's test pins into the material under test.
4. Insertion should be to at least a 0.08" (2mm) depth. However, if this is not possible,
carefully insert the test pins as far as possible without using undue force.
5. The meter display will now indicate moisture content in %.