Date: 6/26/01
PSB No.: PSB 2001.06.004
Reference: N/A
Originator: TC/RR
Affected Product(s): SC3000, SP5000, SP5500, SP7000, SP7500, SP9000, SP9500, SP10000 DYE, and SP10000
Subject: Current Driver Location for C823722 EPSON IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Type B Interface Card for
Windows 2000/Me/Macintosh Operating Systems
This bulletin provides information on where to find the most current driver for the EPSON C823722 - IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Type B Interface
Card for the following EPSON Professional Graphics Inkjet Printers with appropriate Operating Systems: SC3000, SP5000, SP5500, SP7000,
SP7500, SP9000, SP9500, SP10000DYE, and SP10000ARC.
1. Windows Requirements: The EPSON C823722 - IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Type B Interface Card only supports factory preinstalled full
versions of Windows 2000 and Windows Me Operating Systems
2. Macintosh Requirements: The IEEE 1394 (FireWire) drivers for the Apple Macintosh Operating System (OS 8.6 with FireWire
Update 2.1 or later required) are all ready built into the EPSON printer driver, and require no other driver files.
The driver CD that comes in the box with the EPSON C823722 - IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Type B Interface Card may contain older drivers than
what is available on the CD that came with your EPSON Printer or from EPSON Internet Support Web Site. Prior to installing your printer,
please refer to the IEEE 1394 Reference Table below for the location of the latest drivers for your specific EPSON printer and operating
system. If the driver your need is listed as “Update on the Web” the most current driver can be found on the EPSON Internet Support Web
Site at: http://support.epson.com/filelibrary.html
IEEE 1394 Reference Table:
Printer Models:
Windows 2000 Windows Me
EPSON Stylus COLOR 3000 Update on the Web Update on the Web
EPSON Stylus PRO 5000 Update on the Web Update on the Web
EPSON Stylus PRO 5500 Driver that came Driver that came
with printer with printer
EPSON Stylus PRO 7000 Update on the Web Driver on CD-ROM
that came with
C823722 card
EPSON Stylus PRO 7500 Update on the Web Driver on CD-ROM
that came with
C823722 card
EPSON Stylus PRO 9000 Update on the Web Driver on CD-ROM
that came with
C823722 card
EPSON Stylus PRO 9500 Update on the Web Driver on CD-ROM
that came with
C823722 card
EPSON Stylus PRO 10000 Driver that came Driver that came
with printer with printer
EPSON Stylus PRO 10000CF Driver that came Driver that came
with printer with printer