
1592010860 XWEB5000 stp GB r1.1 2012.06.22.doc XWEB5000 43/48
7. Intranet / ethernet connection
The Intranet or Ethernet connection should be initially managed by the net
administrator which will assign one free IP address to reach the Server. This
number is an example of what you should expect: .
After receiving the address from your network Administrator the XWEB3000 must
be set with this number.
REMEMBER: A setup wizard will guide you through the procedure. Please ensure
you have an IP address to use in network section.
Use a standard RJ45 network cable to connect the unit to your lan.
The Intranet method allows the connection to interact with XWEB3000 from all the
PC Clients. Insert the net address assigned by the administrator into the Browser
address bar. Bookmark the address with personalised name for the future