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90003752(1) [AK-Commands] 10/98
4.2. Data block and error status byte
The data presentation is variable. A fixed format will not be used. A blank or a <CR> with
<LF> will be used as separating characters of data. The separation with <CR><LF> will
only be done, if the following complete date will have more than 60 digits. Each data set
will begin normally with a blank.
The data block of the command telegram has only variable data. These data depend on
the function code. They can disappear for some function codes excluding the channel
number. The channel number can have more than two bytes.
The data block of the response telegram is divided in fixed and variable data. The first
digit of the fixed data is a blank followed by an error status byte. The error status number
will be zero for an error free running analyzer or system unit. The error status number will
be counted up from 1 to 9 with each change in the error status. The error status number
will be zero again after the errors will be removed. Changing the status of the system will
not change the error status number. The variable data depend on the function code. They
can disappear for some function codes.
The long and variable floating point format or the E- Format are allowed to display the
digits of numbers. You can find in each analyzer protocol which of these formats may be
used. The decimal point can disappear for integers. The "+/-" sign may only be used for
negative numbers. Digits without physical meaning have to be vanished.
You can distinguish the following cases if a date with an error exists for a reading:
(1) The transfer of the date is not possible, e.g. an analyzer in a system is missing or it
cannot send a signal.
→→ The date will be replaced by a "#".
(2) The date is only valid with restrictions, e.g. FID temperature too low.
→→ The date will begin with a "#".
Range overflow and range underflow will be displayed in the same way. "Valid" means
that no criterions of plausibility will be considered.
You ask for a concentration value and the analyzer is in the "stand-by" mode. The date
must not be marked with "#" as "valid with restrictions", if the analyzer would work
normally in the operation mode.