Instruction Manual
IM-106-5500, Original Issue
August 2005
CCO 5500
All operating parameters are entered in the setup mode.
Section 5, Normal Operation, lists all parameters in full. Basic details are
given here for configuration purposes.
To aid configuration and to record any subsequent changes to the operating
parameters, it is recommended that Table 3-1. Instrument Settings, at the end
of this procedure be completed to provide a record of the instrument setup.
1. Press the MODE key until the number 5 is displayed in the top left-hand
2. Enter 0000 for the security code - this is the default code set at the
3. After the correct code has been entered the six sub-modes are
accessed by using the ARROW keys and pressing ENTER when the
required option is displayed.
4. First the instrument averages need setting.
a. Press the ENTER key when this
display is shown, the display will now
show one of the averages. Use the
ARROW keys to select the average time
that requires setting, and press the ENTER key to access the value.
Change the value by using the ARROW keys and input by pressing the
ENTER key.
b. Set the seconds averaging stack to the required value. This is limited
to within 10 to 60 seconds in 10-second intervals.
c. Set the minutes averaging stack to the required value. This is limited
to within 1 to 60 minutes in 1-minute intervals.
d. Set the hours averaging stack to the required value. This is limited to
within 1 to 24 hours in 1-hour intervals.
e. Set the days averaging stack to the required value. This is limited to
within 1 to 30 days in 1-day intervals.
5. The analogue current loop output is set
up in the next menu. Press the ENTER
key while this display is shown to select
it, then press the ARROW keys to step
through the available options. Press the ENTER key to enter each
option and change the displayed parameter.
a. Base of Output
An origin of 0 or 4mA can be set for
the current loop output. The ARROW
keys will 'toggle' between these two
options. Press the ENTER key to enter
the new value.
b. Averaging Time of the Output
OUTPUT = 4 to 20 mA