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Additional Information
10004281-02 CC1000dm User’s Manual 1-3
Product Certification
The CC1000dm hardware has been tested to comply with various safety, immunity, and
emissions requirements as specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
Underwriters Laboratories®, Inc. (UL), and others. The following table summarizes this
Artesyn maintains test reports that provide specific information regarding the methods
and equipment used in compliance testing. Unshielded external I/O cables, loose screws,
or a poorly grounded chassis may adversely affect the CC1000dm hardware’s ability to
comply with any of the stated specifications.
The UL web site at ul.com has a list of Artesyn’s UL certifications. To find the list,
search in the online certifications directory using Artesyn’s UL file number, E190079.
There is a list for products distributed in the United States, as well as a list for products
shipped to Canada. To find the CC1000dm, search in the list for 10005129-xx, where xx
changes with each revision of the printed circuit board.
RoHS Compliance
The CC1000dm is compliant with the European Union’s RoHS (Restriction of Use of
Hazardous Substances) directive created to limit harm to the environment and human
health by restricting the use of harmful substances in electrical and electronic equip-
ment. Effective July 1, 2006, RoHS restricts the use of six substances: cadmium (Cd),
mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), poly-
brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and lead (Pb). Configurations that are 5-of-6 are
built with tin-lead solder per the lead-in-solder RoHS exemption.
Type: Specification:
Safety IEC60950/EN60950 — Safety of Information Technology Equipment
(Western Europe)
UL60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03, 1st Edition — Safety of
Information Technology Equipment, including Electrical Business
Equipment (BI-National)
EMC FCC Part 15, Class A — Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, Radio
Frequency Devices
ICES 003, Class A — Radiated and Conducted Emissions, Canada
EN55022 — Information Technology Equipment, Radio Disturbance
Characteristics, Limits and Methods of Measurement
EN55024 — Information Technology Equipment, Immunity
Characteristics, Limits and Methods of Measurement
ETSI EN300386 — Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum
Matters (ERM), Telecommunication Network Equipment, Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) Requirements
T a bl e 1 - 1 :
Regulatory Agency