System Configuration Manual
300510EN, Rev AA
December 2010
Rosemount Raptor
Section 7. Service Functions
Input and Holding Registers of the Rosemount 5900S and the 2410 can be
stored on disk. This can be useful for backup purposes and troubleshooting.
Input and Holding registers can be saved for a single device or several
devices simultaneously.
7.8.1 To Save Device
Registers Single
To save configuration database registers (holding registers) to file for a single
device do the following:
1. Start the TankMaster WinSetup program.
2. In the TankMaster WinSetup workspace window, click the right mouse
button on the device icon.
3. Choose the Save Database to File option, or from the Service menu
choose Devices>Save Database to File.
4. Select Holding registers.
5. Choose the Predefined Registers or the User-Defined option.
The Predefined option stores the most frequently used registers.
The User-defined option stores a specified range of Holding registers
and should only be used for advanced service.
6. Click the Browse button, select a folder and type a file name.
7. Click the Save button to start saving the configuration database to file.
Input Registers can also be saved on disk for service and troubleshooting:
1. Select Input Registers.
2. Choose Predefined Registers or User-Defined Registers.
The Predefined option stores the most frequently used registers.
The User-defined option stores a specified range of Input registers.
3. For the User-defined option specify a range of registers by entering the
the first and last register.
4. Click the Browse button, select a folder, and type a file name.
5. Click the Save button to save the register data to file.