The unique wash and rinse system minimises water,
energy and chemical usage to reduce overall running
The IWS avoids the need to completely drain all the
wash tanks when the water becomes too dirty to wash.
A part of the dirty water, typically 15 litres/hr, is drained
away and topped up with clean water on a predefined
basis (variable onsite) so the dishwasher can operate
all day. Water saving is up to 30%.
The separate pre-wash zone does not use heated water
and therefore requires no additional water for cooling.
Autostart ensures no water and energy consumption
during periods when dishwasher is on stand-by.
The boiler is insulated to avoid further heat loss.
The Energy Saving Device incorporates a large
condenser unit able to pre-heat incoming cold water to
50°C, saving up to 12kW as well as avoiding the need
for a dedicated ventilation hood.
Cost savings
electrolux wtm 19
Water consumption
Traditional System
up to 30% saving
Electrolux System
Detergent consumption
Traditional System
up to 75% saving
Electrolux System
Cat_ModularRack_Ing 29-03-2006 18:06 Pagina 19