1. Dishwasher with incorporated detergent dispen-
ser pump (Figure 10).
Pump “R” dispenses about 0.021oz per second /0.6 g
per second of detergent. When the appliance is filled
with water for the first time in the day, it dispenses
1.90 oz /54 g of detergent in 90 sec., thereby providing a
concentration of 0.046 oz per quart/1.3g per liter. Pump
“R” dispenses 0.126 oz/3.6 g in 6 sec. at each cycle.
Dispenser operating time may be changed, following the
instructions given in the next paragraph.
Insert the hose provided in the kit into the detergent con-
2. Dishwashers with incorporated peristaltic rinse-
aid dispenser pump (Figure 10).
Pump “S” dispenses about 0.0046 oz per second/0.13 g
per second of rinse-aid. It dispenses 0.014 oz/0.39 g in
3 sec. at each rinse.
Dispenser operating time may be changed, following the
instructions given in the next paragraph.
Insert the hose provided in the kit into the rinse-aid con-
Connections for automatic detergent dispenser
(Figure 10)
Figure 10
There are two holes (plugged) “O” (ø 3/16”/5 mm) for
introducing the detergent. These holes may be easily
identified from outside by looking for the countersunk
marks on the external panel.
Inside the tank there is a hole “P” (3/8”dia/10mm) closed
with a plug, which may be used for mounting a liquid
detergent injector.
The sensor and liquid detergent injector should be instal-
led without compromising the watertightness of the
Electrical connections for automatic detergent and
rinse-aid dispensers.
Terminals are available on the power supply terminal
box for the electrical connection of external dispensers
working at 208 V or 240 V. Max. power 30 VA.
Figure 11
• Connect the detergent dispenser between terminals
7 and 9. These connection points are live for a set
time during filling of the tank and at the start of the
wash cycle (see paragraph “Setting the dispensers”).
Figure 12
• Connect the rinse-aid dispenser between terminals
8 and 9. These connection points are live during fill-
ing of the tank and at the end of the rinse cycle for a
set time (see “Setting the dispensers” paragraph).
Whenever the detergent containers are replaced, it may
be necessary to activate the dispensers manually in
order to fill the hoses and eliminate any air.
Simultaneously press the buttons, as shown in the figu-
res below. If necessary, repeat this operation several