0107 1
A fl ash of lightning with an arrow at
its end displayed inside an equilat-
eral triangle, warns the user about the
presence of uninsulated "dangerous
current" suffi cient in intensity to cause
An exclamation mark inside an equilat-
eral triangle offers the user important
advice about usage, servicing and
hazardous conditions.
This symbol warns the user that there
are mechanisms inside the machine
which can be dangerous. The protec-
tive housing must be in place during
This symbol warns the user of the pres-
ence of high temperatures which could
cause severe burns. Some surfaces
can reach close to 200 °C (392 °F).
Explanation of graphic symbols
4. Preliminary
Preliminary instructions
Before any use, it is compulsory to read the instruction handbook.
Users must have learnt how the machine operates.
The identifi cation plate is placed on the left hand side of the machine.
In order to prevent any risk of fi re or explosion, fl ammable products should never be used to
clean the machine.
Any repair or maintenance intervention should be carried out by qualifi ed personnel only.
Detergents used in laundry are particularly agressive. No stainless steel is able to resist their
corrosive actions. Detergent dispenser must consequently be considered as wearing parts
likely to be replaced.