
Vi, Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Sverige,
erklærer på eget ansvar at dette produktet, med typebetegnelse og produksjonsnummer som
angitt nedenfor, er produsert i samsvar med bestemmelsene i følgende direktiver:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(gjelderbareN''''''ogWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
W, ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Zweden
mer zoals hieronder vermeld, is vervaardigd conform de volgende normen:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(alleenN''''''enWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Dichiarazione CE di conformità
Noi ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Svezia
dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il prodotto del tipo specificato sopra è
conforme alle seguenti direttive [UE]:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(soloN''''''eWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Declaração CE de conformidade
Nós, ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Suécia
declaramos sob nossa inteira responsabilidade que o produto com os números de série e de tipo
abaixo indicados é fabricado em conformidade com as seguintes directivas [UE]:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(apenasN''''''eWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
H Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Σουηδία
δηλώνει με αποκλειστική της ευθύνη ότι το προϊόν του ανωτέρω αναφερόμενου τύπου
κατασκευάζεται σύμφωνα με τις ακόλουθες οδηγίες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης:
LVD Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
GAS Directive 2009/142/EC (N'''''' και WN3... μόνο)
CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC
MD Directive 2006/42/EC
CE megfelelöségi nyilatkozat
Mi, az Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
SE-341 8 Ljungby, Svédország
felelöségünk teljes tudatában kijelentjük, hogy az alább megadott típusú termék gyártása a
következö EU-irányelvekkel összhangban történik:
LVD Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
GAS Directive 2009/142/EC (csak az N'''''' és WN3... esetén)
CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC
MD Directive 2006/42/EC
Product standards:EN60335-2-4,-7,-11
EMF standards: EN50366:2003+A1
EMC standards: EN61000-6-1(2001)W.55H.,W3...,W4.H.,N1130,N1190,N2...,N3...
Försäkran om överensstämmelse
Vi, Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Sverige
överensstämmelse med följande direktiv:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(gällerendastN''''''ochWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
CE Declaration of conformity
We, ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Sweden
declare under our sole responsibility that the product of the type stated above is manufactured in
conformity with the following EU directives:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(N''''''...andWN3...only)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Wir,die, ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Schweden
erklären hiermit in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß das Produkt mit der oben genannten Typenbe-
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(NurN''''''undWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Déclaration de conformité CE
Nous, ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Suède
déclarons sous notre seule et unique responsabilité que le produit des type et numéro de série
indiqués ci-dessus est fabriqué conformément aux directives UE suivantes:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(N''''''etWN3...uniquement)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Declaración de conformidad CE
Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
con sede en SE-341 80 Ljungby, Suecia
declara bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad que el producto cuyo tipo se especifica en el
encabezado se ha fabricado conforme a las siguientes directivas:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(valesóloN''''''yWN3)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Erklæring om EU-overensstemmelse
Vi Electrolux Laundry Systems Sweden AB
SE-341 80 Ljungby, Sverige
erklærer på eget ansvar, at produktet med typebetegnelse som angivet er fremstillet i overens-
stemmelse med følgende EU-direktiver:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(gælderkunN''''''ogWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Me ElectroluxLaundrySystemsSwedenAB
vakuutamme yksinomaan omalla vastuullamme, että tuote, jonka tyyppitunnus lukee yllä, on val-
mistettu seuraavien [EU]-direktiivien mukaisesti:
• LVDDirective2006/95/EC
• EMCDirective2004/108/EC
• GASDirective2009/142/EC(vainN''''''jaWN3...)
• CEMarkingDirective93/68/EEC
• RoHSDirective2002/95/EC
• WEEEDirective2002/96/EC
• MDDirective2006/42/EC
Washer extractors, Tumble dryers, Hydro extractors
Franco Panno
Vice President Technical Operations