38 Environmental information
Environmental information
Ecologically responsible disposal of packaging
materials and old appliances
Packaging materials
AEG-Electrolux microwave ovens require effective packaging to protect them
during transportation. Only the minimum packaging necessary is used.
Packaging materials (e.g. foil or styrofoam) can place children at risk.
DDaannggeerr ooff ssuuffffooccaattiioonn.. KKeeeepp ppaacckkaaggiinngg mmaatteerriiaall aawwaayy ffrroomm cchhiillddrreenn..
All packaging materials used are environment friendly and can be recycled. The
cardboard is made from recycled paper and the wooden parts are untreated.
Plastic items are marked as follows:
«PE» polyethylene eg packaging film
«PS» polystyrene eg packaging (CFC-free)
«PP» polypropylene eg packaging straps
By using and re-using the packaging, raw materials are saved and waste
volume is reduced. Packaging should be taken to your nearest recycling centre.
Contact your local council for information.
Disposal of old appliances
Old appliances should be made safe before disposal by removing the plug, and
cutting off and disposing of the power cable.
It should then be taken to the nearest recycling centre. Check with your local
Council or Environmental Health Office to see if there are facilities in your area
for recycling the appliance.
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product
may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the
appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help
prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product,
please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the
shop where you purchased the product.