electrolux programme charts
Programme charts
Button Auto cook Weight (increasing Procedure
weight) /utensils
AC-1 Cook 0,5 - 1,5kg* (500g) • Seerecipe for “ChickenPan
ChickenPan (initial tempChicken5°C) with Vegetables”onpage26.
withVegetables Gratin dish and
microwaveclingfilm * Totalweight ofall ingredients.
AC-2Cook 0,5 -1,5 kg* (500 g) • Seerecipe for “Minceand
Mince and (initial tempMince 5°C) Onion” on page 26.
Onion Casseroledish with lid
* Totalweight ofall ingredients.
Button Auto cook Weight (increasing Procedure
plus grill 1 weight) /utensils
A1-1Cook 0,5 -1,5kg* (500g) • Seerecipesfor“Gratinated Fish
Gratinated (initial temp Fish 5°C) Fillet”onpage 25.
FishFillet Gratin dish
Low rack *Total weight of allingredients.
A1-2Cook 0,5 -1,5kg* (500g) • Seerecipesfor“Gratin” on page
Gratin (initial temp 20°C) 26.
Gratin dish
Low rack *Total weight of allingredients.
Button Auto cook Weight (increasing Procedure
plus grill 2 weight) /utensils
A2-1Cook 0,20- 0,40kg(50g) • Place thefrozen frenchfriedpotatoes
French Fried (initialtemp -18°C) ina flandish.
Potatoes Flan dish • Placethedishonthehighrackandcook.
(recommended Highrack • Whentheaudiblesignalssounds,turn
for conventional over.
ovens) • Aftercooking, removefrom thedish
and puton aplatefor serving.
(No standingtime is necessary).
Note: The dish getsvery hotduring
cooking. To avoid burning yourself, please
use ovengloves to removethe flandish
fromthe oven.
Auto cook charts
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