62.9696.01 Page 11
7.4 Some cooking instructions
7.4.1 Meat
In all methods for preparing meat together with a sauce, for
example pot roasts, goulash, stews, various jugged meats,
braised beef, etc., the meat must first be individually browned,
i.e. roasted without pressure. The meat is then cooked with the
sauce in the same appliance under pressure.
Guide times for cooking under pressure after closing the valve.
Beef 15 - 20 min
Pork 10 - 15 min
Stewed beef dumplings 25 - 35 min
Beef goulash 30 - 40 min
Beef stew, depending on size of pieces 50 - 70 min
Salted or smoked beef tongue 60 - 90 min
Smoked pork, depending on size of pieces 30 - 40 min
Boiling beef, depending on size of pieces 60 - 90 min
Boiled chicken, depending on size of pieces 40 - 50 min
Jugged venison 40 - 50 min
Jugged venison or jugged pork 50 - 60 min
About 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time, switch
off the heating and allow the meat to stand (cooking times
must be observed).
7.4.2 Cooking ham
Bring the water to the boil, place ham in to water and close the
lid. Turn temperature controller to 167°F (75°C) and allow to
cook overnight.
7.4.3 Hungarian goulash with boiled potatoes and vege-
20 kg beef
500 g lard
10 kg onions
200 g paprika, salt, pepper
900 g tomato puree
4 l red wine
5 l water
8 kg potatoes
D Preheat the pan without bottom grid to 482°F (250°C).
D Heat fat.
D Thoroughly brown the meat.
D Add onions and boil down.
D Add paprika, salt, pepper and tomato puree.
D Add 4 l of red wine and 5 l of water.
D Close the lid. Leave lid regulation and safety valve open
(position A).
D Wait until steam escapes from lid egulation and safety
valve. Close the valve (position B).
D Set cooking time at 25 min.
D After the signal has been given, open steam release valve
D Open lid and season goulash again quickly.
D Place potatoes/vegetables in perforated GN containers in
the retaining grid of the pan. (Note size of potato/vegetable
D Close lid. Open lid regulation and safety valve (position A).
D Wait until steam escapes from the safety valve. Close lid
regulation and safety valve (position B).
D Set cooking time to 8 min.
D In the case of sensitive vegetables, continue cooking with-
out pressure.
D After the signal has been obtained, wait until no more pres-
sure is in the vessel or open steam release valve (V).
D Open lid.
7.4.4 Vegetables
Cooking times for cooking under pressure in the containers
after closing the valve
Fresh artichokes 20 - 30 min
Beans 8 - 12 min
Peas 5 - 8 min
Carrots, depending on size when cut 10 - 15 min
Cabbage or Savoy cabbage, cut 15 - 25 min
Kohlrabi, cut 15 - 20 min
Celery, cut 10 - 15 min
Fennel 15 - 20 min
Chicory 8 - 12 min
Jacket potatoes, depending on size 18 - 25 min
Boiled potatoes, cut 10 - 15 min
Red beets, depending on size 70 - 90 min
Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, broccoli 4 - 6 min
Frozen vegetables, steam very carefully 5 - 10 min
7.4.5 Poaching terrines
D Fill water up to the bottom plate and bring to the boil.
D Place terrines on top, close lid and lock. The valve remains
slightly open in position A. T
D urn the temperature to 185°F (85°C) and allow to cook.
D According to size, try after 40 minutes, to see if it is done.
Puddings can be poached in the same way.
7.4.6 Steamed red cabbage
Marinade the chopped red cabbage on the previous evening
with red wine, chopped apples, onions and vinegar.
Place the marinaded red cabbage in the pressure braising pan
and allow to cook. Add the marinade. If necessary add a little
broth, allow everything to boil and stir thoroughly with a spat-
D Close the lid and close the lid valve.
D Set temperature regulator to 230°F (110°C).
D After 10 minutes, set temperature regulator to 212°F
D Cooking time 40 - 60 minutes.
7.4.7 Mixed vegetables
20 kg of carrots, leeks, Chinese cabbage, celery
D Preheat the pan to 302°F (150°C). Set time switch to 30
D Fill water up to below the bottom plate.
D Place vegetables in perforated GN containers. Lightly salt.
D Close lid. Leave safety valve open (position A).
T Temperature in food
ZG Total cooking time
ZS Rise time
ZH Holding time
ZF Fall-off time
Fig. 10 Cooking times