D1 Introduction
Transport (i.e. transfer of the machine from one place to
another) and handling (i.e. transfer inside workplaces)
must occur with the use of special equipment of ade-
quate capacity.
The machine can be transported by road, rail, sea or air.
Except for transport by road, the machine is placed
inside a container in which there are also other
machines. The machines can be positioned inside the
container by the Manufacturer or by the carrier.
The Manufacturer declines any liability for possible dam-
age to the packing and the machine.
On receiving the machine, check that the packing and
components are not damaged. In case of damage,
immediately notify the carrier and the Manufacturer.
If the equipment received has visible or hidden damage,
a claim can be made with the carrier.
Visible losses or damage must be reported in the trans-
port document at the time of delivery. The transport doc-
ument must be signed by the carrier’s representative
(e.g. the driver). If the transport document is not signed,
the carrier can reject the claim.
The request for inspection must be submitted to the car-
rier within 15 days in case of non-visible damage or
losses detected only after unpacking the equipment. The
carrier shall arrange an inspection. Keep all the packing
material and contents. Under no circumstances may a
damaged appliance be returned to the manufacturer
without prior notice and written permission.
The machine must only be transported, handled and
stored by qualified personnel, who must have:
- specific technical training and experience;
- knowledge of the safety regulations and applicable
laws in the relevant sectors;
- knowledge of the general safety provisions;
- the ability to recognize and avoid any possible haz-
The Manufacturer declines any liability whenever trans-
port is undertaken by carriers chosen by the Customer.
D1.1 Transport: Instructions for the carrier
During the journey the tightness of the fixing systems
must be checked several times, and in particular:
• just a few km after the start of the journey;
• in case of sudden temperature changes;
• in case of intense cold;
• in case of particularly rough roads.
When removing the anchoring systems, make sure the
stability of the machine parts does not depend on the
anchoring and, therefore, that this operation does not
cause the load to fall off the vehicle.
If slings in synthetic fibre are used to anchor the
machines, protect them from friction, abrasion and dam-
age caused by possible sharp edges of the load. If there
are sharp edges that can damage the sling, use suitable
corner protectors or sliding tubes.
Due to its size, during transport one
machine cannot be stacked on top of
another, therefore possible risks of load
overturning are excluded.
Machine transport, handling and storage
personnel must receive adequate
instruction and training on the use of lift-
ing systems and the use of personal pro-
tection equipment suitable for the type
of operation performed (e.g. overalls,
safety shoes, gloves and helmet).
Do not stand under suspended loads
during the loading/unloading phases.
Unauthorized personnel must not
access the work zone.
The machine’s weight alone is not suffi-
cient to keep it steady.
The transported load can shift:
- when braking;
- when accelerating;
- in corners;
- on particularly rough roads.
When removing the anchoring systems,
make sure the stability of the machine
parts does not depend on the anchoring
and, therefore, that this operation does
not cause the load to fall off the vehicle.
Before unloading the machine compo-
nents make sure all the anchoring sys-
tems are removed.